The last pictures from when the cousins were here. The weather was great during ester week so we spent a lot of time on the beach or by the pool. The air was nice and warm, but the water was far from warm. According to me. But not according to the kids. At least thats what they said. Despite blue lips..
Ok, syrran är ingen badkruka! // Well ok, my sister is not afraid of some cold water! |
Mysa måste man också! // Some chillin' |
Coola snubbar utanför restaurang Duke // Cool dudes outside restaurant Duke |
Malcolm hatar att säga hejdå, det blir väldigt känslosamt.. // Malcolm hates saying goodbye, it all gets very emotional.. |
Hej då killar! Det var såååå mysigt att ha er här!! Vi saknar er redan jätte mycket! // Bye guys! We so much enjoyed your visit and we miss you already! |
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