tisdag 27 januari 2015


Den här tiden på året bjuder himlen vi på magiska företsällningar varenda morgon och kväll. Mulet eller utan moln, spelar ingen roll. Har sååå många himmel bilder i telefonen nu, det går liksom inte att låta bli..

This time of year the sky is showing off almost every morning and evening. With or without clouds, doesn't matter, it's totally magical. I have sooo many pictures of skies in my phone right now, cant help myself..

2 kommentarer

  1. Hi
    what kind of school do you send your child to?
    doea he learn spanish and catalan?
    we are a bit thrown off by the need for catalan in addition to spanish.
    is it hard to intergrate in mallorca with only spanish?

    1. Hi again :)

      Sorry my late replies but we have been really busy the last couple of weeks so the blog has not been priority.. I would say that Catalan is absolutely not a necessity for living here. Depending on what you work with of course, or if you live really in the countryside, but you will get along fine with only Spanish. Thats my opinion at least. Our son is in the Swedish school, they have Spanish lessons 4 times a week, Catalan is only for the kids that are fluent in Spanish. I only learned spanish when we moved here and is still not very good, you get along with english pretty well. Unfortunately :)


Maira Gall