söndag 30 juni 2013


Som ni kanske förstår så finns det en del bilder på Malcolm här hemma. När han var liten sa han inget när jag kom med kameran. När han var lite större sa han inget när jag kom med kameran. Nu blir det högljudda protester eller miner när jag kommer med kameran. Därför tog jag så klart tillfället i akt och lekte modefotograf när han lekte fotomodell. Leken varade i ungefär fem minuter. Platsen är den trånga gatan som skolan ligger på, som kryllar av kul bakgrunder.

As you might understand I have lots and lots of pictures of Malcolm. When he was a baby he didn't say anything when i came with the camera. When he was a bit older he still didn't say anything. Now, there is loud objections and he is doing all he can to destroy the picture, as soon as i show up with the camera. So of course I saw my chance and was acting fashion photographer when he was acting model. The game lasted for about five minutes. The location is the small street leading up to his school, which is packed with fun background.

Nu räcker det! // Enough!

1 kommentar

Maira Gall