Those of you who know me know that I'm not, and have never been a sports girl. But there's something about the climate and the air here that invites you to be active. Since we came to Mallorca, I have, in addition to power walks and tennis, been working out for Lotta, in the park. Lotta is a mom at school who is PT and the park is the Bellver park, that is located above the school. Exercising outside is just absolutely wonderful! Now Lotta is moving back home with her family and last Friday we had the very last session, which was just as though as the other ones.. Thanks Lotta for sweaty workouts in a wonderful environment! I can highly recommend the Bellver park for training purposes. Super nice for running or walking, especially in summertime since there is plenty of shade.
fredag 6 juni 2014
Ni som känner mig vet att jag inte är och aldrig har varit ett tränings freak. Men det är nåt med klimatet och luften här som inbjuder till att vara aktiv. Sen vi flyttade hit har jag, förutom powerwalks och tennis, tränat för Lotta, i parken. Lotta är en mamma på skolan som är PT och parken är Bellver parken som ligger ovanför skolan. Att träna ute är bara helt underbart! Men nu ska Lotta flytta hem med sin familj och förra fredagen körde hon skiten ur oss i det allra sista passet. Tack Lotta för svettiga pass i underbar miljö! Jag kan varmt rekommendera Bellver parken i träningssyfte. Superhärligt för löpning eller promenader, på sommaren är det dessutom lätt att hitta skugga här.
Those of you who know me know that I'm not, and have never been a sports girl. But there's something about the climate and the air here that invites you to be active. Since we came to Mallorca, I have, in addition to power walks and tennis, been working out for Lotta, in the park. Lotta is a mom at school who is PT and the park is the Bellver park, that is located above the school. Exercising outside is just absolutely wonderful! Now Lotta is moving back home with her family and last Friday we had the very last session, which was just as though as the other ones.. Thanks Lotta for sweaty workouts in a wonderful environment! I can highly recommend the Bellver park for training purposes. Super nice for running or walking, especially in summertime since there is plenty of shade.
Those of you who know me know that I'm not, and have never been a sports girl. But there's something about the climate and the air here that invites you to be active. Since we came to Mallorca, I have, in addition to power walks and tennis, been working out for Lotta, in the park. Lotta is a mom at school who is PT and the park is the Bellver park, that is located above the school. Exercising outside is just absolutely wonderful! Now Lotta is moving back home with her family and last Friday we had the very last session, which was just as though as the other ones.. Thanks Lotta for sweaty workouts in a wonderful environment! I can highly recommend the Bellver park for training purposes. Super nice for running or walking, especially in summertime since there is plenty of shade.
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Hejsan. Följer din blogg sen en tid - såå fina bilder! Vi bor åxå i Illetas så det är extra kul. Jag läste nu att er tränare skall flytta hem och nu råkar det vara så att jag håller på med träning och hälsa via mitt bolag epic Wellness. Skulle ni vara intresserade av att köra med mig? Jag tänkte bla starta upp i Illetas men kan absolut köra i parken där nibrukar vara. Maila mig på eller Facebook; epic Wellness Mallorca om det skulle vara intressant. Ha en härlig dag. Mvh Elisabet
SvaraRaderaHej Elisabet! Tack så mycket, kul att du gillar bloggen!! Du får stoppa mig om du ser mig nån gång :) Jag ska kolla med de andra tjejerna angående träningen. Hälften av "gänget" flyttar hem nu, men det kommer kanske nya.. Vi kan väl höras igen efter sommaren? När har du planer på att köra igång i Illetas? Jag har faktiskt svårt att träna på förmiddagar nu när vi öppnat kontoret så jag skulle behöva hitta ett alternativ..
RaderaVi hörs eller ses! Ha en fin dag!