This week we have been at home, since Malcolm has been sick with the chicken-pox. So there's not much to report.. But here's a small story from our car the other day. We were on our way to Palma. Me and Fredrik were talking serious stuff like jobs and future in the front and Malcolm was sitting in the back. He called us a few times, wanting to say something. We asked him to wait until we were finished with our discussion, unless it was important. When we finally finished our "important" discussion he says happily -"I have put some chap-stick (strawberry flavored) on my nose and now everything smells great!!"...What if it was that simple for us grown ups as well. What if you turn a shitty day around by putting some strawberry chap-stick on your nose and just turn super happy because everything smells great!! Have a nice weekend, with many happy thoughts :)
fredag 17 januari 2014
Denna veckan har vi varit hemma eftersom Malcolm har vattkoppor. Har inte så mycket att rapportera med andra ord.. Bjuder på en söt anekdot så länge. Förra veckan satt vi i bilen på väg in till stan. Jag och Fredrik satt där fram och pratade seriösa ämnen som jobb och framtid, Malcolm satt där bak. Han ropar på oss några gånger för att han vill säga något. Vi ber honom vänta tills vi pratat klart, om det inte var nåt viktigt. När vi till slut är klara med vårt "viktiga" samtal säger han glatt -"Jag satte lite lypsyl (med jordgubbssmak) på näsan och nu luktar allt jättegott!!"...Tänk om det hade varit så enkelt för oss vuxna också. Tänk om man kunde vända en skitdag genom att sätta lite jordgubbslypsyl på näsan och bli så glad över att allt luktar jättegott!! Hoppas ni får en riktigt trevlig helg, med massor av positiva tankar :)
This week we have been at home, since Malcolm has been sick with the chicken-pox. So there's not much to report.. But here's a small story from our car the other day. We were on our way to Palma. Me and Fredrik were talking serious stuff like jobs and future in the front and Malcolm was sitting in the back. He called us a few times, wanting to say something. We asked him to wait until we were finished with our discussion, unless it was important. When we finally finished our "important" discussion he says happily -"I have put some chap-stick (strawberry flavored) on my nose and now everything smells great!!"...What if it was that simple for us grown ups as well. What if you turn a shitty day around by putting some strawberry chap-stick on your nose and just turn super happy because everything smells great!! Have a nice weekend, with many happy thoughts :)
This week we have been at home, since Malcolm has been sick with the chicken-pox. So there's not much to report.. But here's a small story from our car the other day. We were on our way to Palma. Me and Fredrik were talking serious stuff like jobs and future in the front and Malcolm was sitting in the back. He called us a few times, wanting to say something. We asked him to wait until we were finished with our discussion, unless it was important. When we finally finished our "important" discussion he says happily -"I have put some chap-stick (strawberry flavored) on my nose and now everything smells great!!"...What if it was that simple for us grown ups as well. What if you turn a shitty day around by putting some strawberry chap-stick on your nose and just turn super happy because everything smells great!! Have a nice weekend, with many happy thoughts :)
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