We can actually see that things are happening now in the apartment. All walls and ceilings are painted, switches and outlets are in place, grids for AC is mounted and the ceiling is being laid. Next week the bathroom stuff is coming and then the wardrobes and the kitchen. And then we are moving in! The 5th of April our home is coming with the truck. It seems actually that everything will be according to schedule. We cant wait!
Rutorna putsade :) // Windows cleaned :) |
De säger att de övre plattorna kommer att få samma färg som den undre om nån vecka till... // They claim that the upper tiles will get the same color as the lower once in a week or so... |
oj vad det ser frächt och fint ut! det kommer att bli jättebra! Skönt att få era egna grejor! Puss!
SvaraRaderaJa mamma, det kommer bli super! Vi längtar alla tre :) Puss
RaderaLiten test
SvaraRaderaJaha det gick ju bra! Ville säga att det börjar verkligen likna något, skall bli så kul att se med egna ögon. Längtar!!!
SvaraRaderaKram Kari